Heloise in Paris 2

For those who haven't read the first episode of Heloise in Paris, I am Heloise a Parisian expat' living in London.
Today I will walk you throughout Paris to discover my favorite cultural spots!
When I arrived two years ago in London I've been pleasantly surpised to discover that most of the museum where free.
Coming from an artistic family, art as always been part of my life and heritage and has always been a main source of inspiration and relaxation.
I've been so delighted to be able to go as much i wanted to the London museums, where I've been spending most of my time between the National gallery, Tate modern, Royal Academy, Saatchi gallery or V&A.
In a Parisian lifestyle, it is common to go for an exhibition in the weekend with your family, friends or on your own.
Parisians love to talk about the last exhibition or cultural activity they've recently done.
No suprise, we are brought to cultural spaces from a very young age, we've been raised surrounded by Rodin sculptures and Renoir paintings.
Paris in not only about La Joconde, le musee d'Orsay or Centre Pompidou, there is a cultural spot for everyone and here are my favorite cultural spots!
Bonne visite!

Musee de Montmartre
A little Paradise in the heart of the incontournable Montmarte.
You will discover amazing draws from Toulouse- Lautrec and feel like a Parisian in 1900.

If you like photographs, this is your museum.

La fondation Louis Vuitton
Open in 2014, La fondation Louis vuitton is a masterpiece by itself.
The exhibitions are always amazing and you can enjoy a walk at le bois de boulogne after!

Gallerie Perrotin
One of the most renowned parisian Gallery.
Musee Rodin

Probably the most photogenic museum of Paris. The light that come incide this beautiful Hotel particulier gives another life to Rodin's scultpurs.