Héloïse in Paris Episode 1 : Les cafés

Hi everyone!
My name is Héloïse, I am a Parisian expat’ living in London.
Why did I leave the most romantic city in the World for London, the Old Smoke?
Because even if Emily in Paris is full of clichés about French people, she does have one thing right: Parisians are grumpy.
However, I would like to say that we are not narrow minded or arrogant, we are simply bad actors and cannot hide our feelings. ( and we have a LOT of feelings)
I arrived in the middle of winter, by myself, in a city I had visited once for a weekend. I was surrounded by strangers that I couldn’t understand, without a flat or a job, and I started missing the rude French waiters from Café de Flore.
But this vibrant city and the kindness of Londoners make me feel more alive than ever before.
I was supposed to stay 3 months but here I am, 2 years later talking to you from my flat in Pimlico.
Like most French people in London, I have been hanging out with other French people going to French places to eat French food. But I have to say, there is no better place than France to taste our cuisine.
I will walk you through my city, Paris, and give you a tour of my favourite cafes and patisseries.
Bon voyage!

Café de Flore, the one and only.
You’ve probably seen it in movies, it is one of my favourite café for people watching.

La pâtisserie Cédric Grolet, aussi bon que beau!
His shop is located in Opéra and looks like the most delicious museum.

Le loire dans la théière, my favourite place in Le Marais.
Their tarte au citron meringuée is absolutely sublime.

Angelina, a classic.
It is one of the first salon de thé that my mum took me to.
I fell in love with the Montblanc and it will be an everlasting love.

Café du Musée de la Vie Romantique, a taste of French culture.
After visiting the streets of Montmartre, head to this amazing museum and take a romantic break at the café.
Stay tuned for the next episode of Héloïse in Paris!